toxic additives in plastic

Toxic Additives in Plastics

Toxic chemicals of concern that are widespread in common plastic products can hinder the momentum for a circular economy. A new report, coordinated by the Barcelona-based(1) Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), serving both the Stockholm Convention and the Barcelona Convention, has been produced in collaboration with the International Pollutants Elimination Network…

Preferred Waste Management Practices

Re-thinking production to boost circular economies

Value-retention practices such as re-manufacturing, refurbishment, repair, and direct re-use could cut industrial waste by between 80 and 99 per cent in some sectors. Greenhouse gas emissions could fall by 79 to 99 per cent across these sectors if value-retention practices were adopted. Embracing a circular economy can lead to new jobs and markets. Re-thinking…

Make Fashion Circular Poster

Industry leaders join forces to Make Fashion Circular

At the Copenhagen Fashion Summit, some of the biggest names in fashion are joining forces to create a thriving industry based on the principles of a circular economy. Make Fashion Circular builds on the vision outlined in the Foundation’s 2017 report A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning fashion’s future. Today Dame Ellen MacArthur announces the industry…